Health Insurance Info for Colorado

news & commentary on health insurance and benefits

Update on mandatory contraceptive benefits controversy

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Quote: ” ..the Obama administration has implemented rules that even it concedes infringe on the traditional rights of religious employers.”

This article, written by James C. Capretta, details the Administrations’ way of speaking out of both sides of its mouth: “Here, it’s worth repeating some of the basic facts… on the same day that the administration announced it wanted to craft the so-called accommodation [to the mandatory contraceptives rule], it finalized the rule that had been previously issued with no change.” The rule, as I recall, was also published in the Federal Register. So much for “accommodation”.

The dominant elite media is doing it’s best to characterize this problem as no problem at all, as evidenced by this story, which inaccurately states that insurance companies, rather than employers, will be required to pay for these services (obviously, they must think that insurers are able to provide this at no cost to anyone, which boggles the mind, since nothing is ever provided “free” – it must be purchased first, and the cost is inevitably passed on to policyholders, as Mr. Capretta accurately states). In the case of the Catholic Church and its various entities, they are self-insured, for the most part, which means they pay, regardless of what President Obama wants you to think.


Obamacare and the new “dependency class”

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As I’ve noted elsewhere, the single largest problem with Obamacare (besides the deliberate destruction of private capital via the “death spiral” for health insurers casually mention by Secretary Sebelius) is the massive expansion of government health care, especially with Medicaid, via taxpayer-funded subsidies, creating a permanent “dependency class” that will accelerate wealth redistribution and move us (nudge us?) forever closer to the Democrat goal of “equality of outcome”. By creating a permanent group of citizens that are entirely dependent on government largesse, Democrats hope to ensure a fifty year lock on Washington to permanently destroy our freedoms and protections under the Constitution. I shudder to think what new entitlements masquerading as “positive rights” might flow from such a situation.

While I wouldn’t stop at 10, here is a list of “10 Terrible Provisions of Obamacare” that anyone concerned about the massive expansion of government into each of our lives should be aware of.

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