Health Insurance Info for Colorado

news & commentary on health insurance and benefits

Sebelius: The health insurance “death spiral”

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As if we didn’t already know this: The infamous HHS Secretary tells us what she really thinks in Congressional testimony.

Read the comments on that page, too – very interesting.

Another story on this topic references the infamous McKinsey study released last year. “At least 30 percent of employers are likely to stop offering health insurance once provisions of the U.S. health care reform law kick in in 2014, according to a study by consultant McKinsey,” Reuters reported. “McKinsey, which based its projection on a survey of more than 1,300 employers of various sizes and industries and other proprietary research, found that 30 percent of employers will ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ stop offering coverage in the years after 2014, when new medical insurance exchanges are supposed to be up and running.”

The Obama Administration went to a full-court press in an attempt to deflect and discredit this story as being a put-up job by a) the insurance industry, b) Republican operatives, and c) all of the above, even going so far as to label it an “outlier” (whatever that means!). In fact, Democrats used these and other arguments in a kitchen sink attempt to discredit a study that was, by the way, funded entirely by McKinsey. Their efforts were less than successful, and I can assure you that the survey’s results are, anecdotally, true: I’ve been told the same thing by many clients.

Surprisingly, even Howard Dean says that the McKinsey study is one that “the Democrats don’t like but I do and I think it’s true.” Dean likes it because it will remove a burden from small businesses. Note that Dean, always a proponent of single-payor, pulls no punches as he advocates for a government system, whereas the Obama folks are trying to camouflage their real intent: destroying private insurance companies by crashing their reserves and limiting their ability to offset health care costs with appropriate premiums, which will lead to the same thing.



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