Health Insurance Info for Colorado

news & commentary on health insurance and benefits

The Death of HSA’s

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It should not come as a surprise that the current Administration would eventually take steps to abolish or otherwise destroy Health Savings Accounts, which were legalized as part of a deal made with Democrats to get Medicare Part D passed in 2003. Democrats universally loathe the idea that you could be allowed to buy a higher deductible plan and then contribute to your own “medical IRA” to pay for out-of-pockets expenses; they’d prefer you give the whole amount to an insurer (and the government) so they can re-distribute it properly. They’ve been gunning for HSA’s for at least a decade.

Health Savings Accounts represent one of the fastest, if not the fastest, growth segment in health insurance, and this has not gone un-noticed by the one-size-fits-all redistributive Left. I originally thought HSA’s would be eliminated via executive fiat in 2012; lo and behold, the gov needed the flexibility of HSA’s to keep Obamacare from foundering on the rocks. Those days are long gone; since the ACA has weathered all of the legal arguments thrown against it, regulators at CMS feel confident that they can now move against HSA’s, at least as far as the exchanges are concerned (and this will have repercussions in the private, individual market as well, I’m sure).

For 2017, it is highly unlikely that HSA’s of any kind will be legal or allowable on any exchange, federally-facilitated or state-run. The reason for this has to do with the ever-increasing deductibles required by the ACA, as well as new requirements, laid out in a brand-new, 500+ page rule, that mandate that some services other than preventive care must now be covered under the deductible. Since, under HSA plans, services other than preventive can’t be covered until the deductible is met, this means that, in CMS’ convoluted reasoning, that HSA’s are simply not relevant to their ever-higher deductibles and ever-expanding “first-dollar” coverage requirements. Its – yes – death by executive fiat, via a thousand cuts.

What is of course not talked about yet is the idea that, as soon as the new benefit plan design become mandated, old plans will bo longer be ACA-qualified: in essence, the elimination of ALL HSA-qualified plans in own fell swoop, and also the elimination of ANY HSA deductions into your HSA account.

Based on this, HSA’s as a valid health coverage will disappear by 2018. Who are you voting for in 2016?

Here’s an article that explains it more fully – go here.


Average health insurance deductible in 2010: $1,200

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According to Mercer, the average deductible for popular PPO plans now stands at $1,200 annually for employers with 10 or more employees.

The Mercer survey also found that health benefit costs rose 6.9% this year – up from 5.5% in 2009.

Another trend noted in the study is that large employers were adopting high-deductible plans, linked to health savings accounts, more quickly than small employers. The reason? Lower costs – high deductible HSA plans are more than $2,000 a year less expensive per employee, including employer contributions to the savings account.

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