Health Insurance Info for Colorado

news & commentary on health insurance and benefits

This New O-care Regulation Could Affect You

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From The Foundry at The Heritage Network, originally published in National Review Online: “One excepted benefit that  .. could serve as a lifeboat if the voyage of the SS Obamacare goes as badly as we have feared: indemnity insurance .. anything that constitutes an excepted benefit under HIPAA remains exempt from all of Obamacare’s new insurance regulations.”

Well, not anymore it seems, as Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) unilaterally decided to amend HIPAA to suit themselves. As usual, the government drops its bad news on Friday evenings when we are all exhausted from working to pay for our health insurance premiums (or not, if you’ve decided to pay the penalty). Go here for the full story.

And this quote is especially telling: “.. this latest proposed Obamacare regulation, like many before it, isn’t even a remotely plausible interpretation of the statutes that Congress actually passed. This latest “fix” is worth fighting — both to keep the lifeboats intact during this dangerous voyage and to keep a sound insurance option in place for the long haul.”

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